Novo Nordisk Settles Two Ozempic and Wegovy Copycat Lawsuits

Novo Nordisk announced last month that it settled two lawsuits against two businesses – Cosmetic Laser Professional Med Spa and Nuvida RX Weight Loss – who claimed to offer compounded versions of its Ozempic and Wegovy drugs. The two businesses, based in Florida, are permanently banned from claiming that their compounded drugs are approved Food and Drug Administration (FDA) medications and cannot use any ‘misleading’ advertising.

Novo Nordisk, holds the patent on semaglutide, the active ingredient in Ozempic and Wegovy, and does not supply semaglutide to other pharmacies, has filed over ten lawsuits against different clinics and compounding pharmacies that claim to offer semaglutide.

Novo Nordisk reportedly conducted tests on compounded products allegedly sold as semaglutide by the two Florida pharmacies and found unknown impurities and lower levels of semaglutide than was described on the medication label.

There will likely be more settlements as states and the FDA continue to crack down on compounded versions of semaglutide.