Posts Tagged ‘contraception’

New York Pharmacists Can Dispense Hormonal Contraception Without a Prescription

New York Governor Kathy Hochul signed an order yesterday allowing New York pharmacists to dispense hormonal contraception without a prescription, and in doing so, New York joins at least 28 other states that have expanded pharmacists’ ability to prescribe and dispense hormonal contraception. Under Governor Hochul’s new order, New York pharmacists are able to dispense…

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Colorado Pharmacists Can Prescribe Contraception

With the passage of Colorado SB 16-135, which allows the Boards of Pharmacy, Nursing, and Medicine to collaborate on statewide protocols to address public health needs and improve patient outcomes, Colorado becomes the third state to authorize pharmacists to prescribe oral contraception. Once trained, qualified pharmacists will screen all patients seeking pharmacist-prescribed contraception for potential…

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